Book 9 Set: TapRooT® for Patient Safety

$124.95 USD

(1) Patient Safety Root Cause Tree® Dictionary English
(1) Improve Patient Safety with TapRooT® English
(1) TapRooT® Corrective Action Helper® Guide English
(1) TapRooT® Root Cause Tree® English

Depending on the study you read, somewhere between 60,000 and 200,000 people per year are killed or seriously harmed by medical mistakes - things like wrong-site surgeries, misadministration of drugs, improper use of medical devices, and even simple things like slips and falls. Why doesn't the medical community learn from these mistakes and prevent repeat incidents? One of the reasons is that they have not adopted advanced root cause analysis. This book provides healthcare professionals with knowledge of advanced root cause analysis: the TapRooT® System. The TapRooT® System provides a scientific method to find and fix the causes of human error and equipment failures. TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis can be used to reactively investigate and prevent repeat sentinel events or proactively to improve performance by finding and fixing a problem's root causes before a medical error occurs. Don't let another sentinel event harm a patient. Learn how to use TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis to improve patient safety at your facility.