Book 6 Set: TapRooT® Root Cause Analysis for Audits and Proactive Performance Improvement

$124.95 USD

Changing the way the World Solves Problems - that is what the TapRooT® System is all about. TapRooT® provides people with the science to find and fix the causes of human error, equipment failure, and process breakdowns - whether it is while investigating the causes of incidents or improving performance through audits and other proactive endeavors (the topic of this book).

Mark Paradies and Linda Unger created TapRooT® because they saw people try to solve problems without understanding the true root causes. It took them over a decade of research and development to design an easy-to-use system to help companies avoid this trap and get better results. Since then, continuous improvement from the staff at System Improvements combined with user feedback has resulted in the best complete root cause analysis and problem-solving system - TapRooT®.